The issues fall into ten categories, listed here alphabetically. This list is the consensus produced by the multi-group Stakeholders
Workshop held on 12/10/2016 and the Town Hall Meeting held on 1/12/2017.
No community involvement in planning process.
The current planning process excludes meaningful public input.
The present culture of “exclusion” of citizens promotes apathy.
Community diversity is not reflected in today’s involvement in the process.
Citizens have little power to affect change.
Zoning ordinances inconsistently enforced.
Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) not being used as a tool in zoning matters.
The CLUP itself is not enforceable and yet ordinances are not being modified to reflect its vision.
Lack of attention to eco-environment.
No safe place for evacuation within Glynn County.
Communications with residents during evacuation need improvement.
Island crime increasing, but not being reported to citizens
Water/sewer capacity inadequate for previously approved development.
Defective traffic study and no road/traffic plan
Impact of development is disproportionately borne by residents versus developers.
Day trippers to SSI impact infrastructure without supporting it
Members appointed by all County Commissioners when only one County Commissioner represents SSI.
Inadequate training for IPC members, including how to work with legal counsel.
Overall processes need revamping to increase visibility and community involvement.
IPC does not have final authority re. planning/zoning decisions that affect SSI.
Legal counsel input/participation/advice is not respected or followed.
County continues to approve development without infrastructure to support
Promoted tourism is outstripping SSI’s physical capacity.
Development is not managed in accordance with CLUP.
Need to preserve the unique character of SSI.
County does not routinely take advantage of or use the CLUP in their decision making
Clear cutting is occurring rather than tree saving
Storm water impacts not being given proper consideration
Beach access points need to protect environment and be properly maintained.
Inadequate maintenance of government buildings, parks, trails and parking areas.
Roads are not properly maintained
No strategic plan.
Only update to the Comprehensive Plan since 2008 was in action plans, most of which were only deferred or ignored.
Lack of leadership.
Lack of trust between County government and community.
Plans must include the entire county, including Brunswick
Build out study for SSI completed, but not being used
An increase in the millage rate is being discussed even in the absence of a strategic plan
There are no “best practices” benchmarks to measure the performance of County staff and processes
Community not provided with information – residents must seek it.
Zoning matters appear to be decided before public hearings are conducted.
Outdated classifications; strictly use-based code; recent modifications have been weak/ineffective.
Ordinances fail to recognize uniqueness of St. Simons Island and is not what citizens want.
Lack of a tree ordinance.
An impact fee ordinance should be formally evaluated, not just discussed